Welcome to Mental Health Psychology


Our mental health is not something to take for granted. Any of you who have struggled with mental health difficulties, whether through low mood, anxiety, chronic stress, anger and so on, will know how fragile our wellbeing can be. It can be impacted by our upbringing and perceptions of our past, traumatic and difficult events and, often, by self-neglect.

My aim is to equip you with the understanding, knowledge and skills to maintain and improve your mental health every day. The blog is filled with information and advice on mental health based in psychological research and philosophy. I offer counselling to support your wellbeing and coaching to help you achieve your goals and ambitions. Please check out the tabs on each for more information.

With over a decade of experience working with those struggling with their mental health, as well as higher education and qualifications in philosophy, counselling, coaching and psychology, I hope I can provide you with the support and knowledge we all need.

For updates, blog posts, events and information please sign up to the weekly newsletter below.

- Liam Cherry BA (Hons), PGDip, MBACP, MSc (current)